Master Preflop Play with the New Advanced Solver Ranges

The Advanced Solver Ranges, now available to Upswing Lab members, are the most comprehensive set of affordable preflop ranges you will find online.

The ranges were created by Upswing coach Fried Meulders, a 500NL Zoom crusher known as “mynameiskarl” on PokerStars.

Fried ran the sims and painstakingly worked through just about every conceivable preflop scenario in Monker Solver. The result: 98 easy-to-use, GTO-influenced ranges for every position.

Ranges like this typically cost hundreds of dollars, but you can access them for free as a member of the Upswing Lab training course.

Advanced Solver Ranges: Which Scenarios Are Covered?
These new ranges show you exactly what hands to play from each position, taking the guesswork out of preflop play.

Fried took Monker Solver’s complex preflop strategy and simplified the frequencies to make them easier to remember and use.

The result is 95 interactive charts that win79 give Lab members the ultimate tool for preflop strategy.

The Advanced Solver Ranges cover:

Raise first in ranges for all positions in a 6-max game
vs RFI and 3-bet ranges from all positions
Squeeze and vs squeeze ranges to help you navigate multiway spots
Blind vs blind ranges covering SB limp and SB raise spots.
vs 3-bet charts for every position vs every other position
vs 4-bet and cold 4-bet charts
Solver Inputs
Fried has been dominating for years in the PokerStars 500NL Zoom games using a solver-based strategy, so he knows a thing or two about working with solvers.

He developed the Advanced Solver Ranges by using the following inputs in Monker Solver:

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No calling in HJ/CO/SB
5% rake with a cap of 0.6bb (500NL Zoom Rake)
Sizes: 2.25bb RFI, 7.25bb 3-bet, 23.25 4-bet
3-bet to 9.75bb from SB, 11.25bb from BB
Fried then took the outputted ranges and went over them thoroughly, simplifying the overall strategy and mixed frequencies to make the charts easier to use in practice (without sacrificing significant EV).

Get These Ranges Now and Save $50
These ranges are the result of hours of work from one of the best cash game players in the world, and are at your disposal as a member of the Upswing Lab.

But that’s far from all the course has to offer…

The elite team of Upswing coaches has been adding content to the Lab every week for the past four years, and you get access to all of it when you join:

Learning Modules: 74 in-depth lessons that will help you learn crucial concepts and win.
Play & Explains: 231 videos in which the coaches demonstrate their strategy.
Preflop Ranges: 439 charts for online cash games, live cash games, and tournaments.
Private Group Access: Get help from Upswing coaches and your fellow members.
Always Updated: 5+ hours of new content is added every month.

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